Thank you for coming.
I am passionate about making people feel like they belong and are not alone in this game. Thank you for being a guest on Bell's Palsy Talk Live!
Please click below to link to my calendar to book your talk. Talks are done on Instagram Live. Please see instructions and guidelines here.
Please note you need to be on your phone or tablet for Instagram Live (not your desktop). Our talk will be very casual, just chatting between friends 🧡
I try to keep talks under 30 minutes to keep listeners engaged but please reserve an hour in your calendar in case we go over. If you would like to chat prior to our Live talk, let me know, I am happy to do so! Send me an email anytime.
There will be a social media post up on Instagram and Facebook the day before your talk, please share to you followers, the more the merrier!
You can see some previous talks on the BP Talk You Tube channel. If you have any questions, please let me know. Looking forward to our talk 🧡.
I like to talk to followers, supporters and educators of all kinds on Bell's Palsy Talk about their stories. If you would like to tell yours, please email me.
Click images below to link to some faves!