Do not allow your heart to be exhausted by people telling you to dim your light, quiet down, be more like everyone else. When I was in grade nine I had probably the worst year of my life – overwhelm, depression, change, you name it. It was bad. When I think of it, it makes me nauseous. I remember the day made a deal with “someone”. God, my spirit guides, my heart, not sure because at that time I was pretty lost. It was photo day. I was wearing peach jeans and brown desert boots. A hooded fleece top thing. “If I get through this - promise me I will rock it at life when I’m an adult”.
I remember the day made a deal with “someone”.
I’m not sure if those were my exact words but I remember the day, location and feeling. (I tend to remember feelings and have difficulty expressing them in words). I had complete faith in that promise. I knew it was coming and I just had to wait. And I did. This is the first time I vividly remember my complete faith in the Universe – and myself.
So here I am. Generally rocking it on most days. I have a lot of bad ones, lots of stuff I will write about on here. Slip ups, big fails, big fights. Some inside, some outside. I hurt and get hurt. But I did it, I made it through. Wait for your turn, it’s coming. I promise. Keep your light shining bright and enjoy the ride as much as you can. Have the complete faith. It’s how it works. All – or nothing. Give it a shot. Much love Xo.